Lumina Learning

People love learning about themselves. Lumina provides fascinating insights about who we are, how we work and how we interact with others.

Self awareness is the foundation of leadership. It increases our ability to understand and appreciate others, to build rapport and relationships and unite on a common purpose. Everything we need to work together and create a high performing team.

Transforming organisations and celebrating people.

Lumina is undoubtedly the most popular thing I deliver. People love it.

A Lumina workshop enables teams to spend valuable time together, getting to know each other better, understanding how their colleagues work and how they like to communicate. How to give their best and how to get the best of others, all for the benefit of the teams purpose.

Lumina Learning will

  • Provide engaging and enjoyable personality profiling.
  • Measure personality and what makes you, you.
  • Provide meaningful personal growth and development.
  • Deepen our understanding of ourselves and those we work with.
  • Strengthen collaboration.
  • Improve team communication and connection.
  • Increase leadership capability and capacity.
  • Build strong personal workplace relationships.
  • Accelerate collaboration.
  • Increase creativity and problem solving
  • Reduce costs.

Bespoke workshops available to address your needs and budget. I will work with you to understand what you would like for your team and then devise a workshop to meet your needs and your desired outcome.

"Nicky has a great ability to bring together a group of people

who barely know each other and create a safe environment where they are able to open up and share personal insights.

Excellent Lumina Spark session with Nicky for my team.

Thank you Nicky.

"I found it informative, honest and my Spark portrait was spot on!

It was a really good session and time well spent with the rest of our team getting to know each other and identifying where our strengths lie.

As a trainer I found you to be warm, professional and committed to getting the most out of us; both individually and as a team. Thank you!